El Salvador - San Salvador


At this point things are really becoming annoying, difficult, and embarrassing. Leaving this low security prison camp was not made any easier. After ripping my remaining luggage apart, about ten steps later, when entering the waiting area, they did it all over again, this time, allegedly for the airline. I guess they don't trust each other's competence a lot, or thought maybe that to bribe two groups to get contraband through, would be impossible. Whatever the reason, it did really piss me off. Then I had to go and buy (1 USD) a plastic bag for my properly sized bottles and lotions. Of course, it was really about that Dollar. They just threw the stuff in and gave it back to me. Was security served? Not at all, but probably, cumulatively, all the dollars paid their salaries. They were very, very young people and took their job seriously.



I saw this on the cover of a magazine, and then, when scouting around the Crowne Plaza Hotel and the WTC, I found the exhibit. Went in, took this shot and one more and then was told that photography was not permitted.





So I amused myself taking pictures from the veranda of the Crowne Plaza Hotel of the volcano


A couple more of San Salvador and the turbulent sky from the WTC



The rest of the pictures were taken the next morning when finally leaving this depressing burgh, on he way to the airport. In spite of numerous police check points along the road, the houses and businesses were just as protected as if there were no cops at all. I assume one can pay to make them disappear

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, and string that razor wire, seems to be the motto here


I pity these folk, who have to live under these conditions



San Salvadore Airport. You can see the volcano in the distance


Coming up on Atlanta, GA, and the busiest airport in the world

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